Women in Construction

The construction industry is one of the most male-dominated sectors and MiCiM & OI are committed to change this and create more gender equality within our organisation, with the hope this extends to the entire industry in time.

It is our ambition to have a 50/50 split of male and female employees and to become the employer of choice for females looking for a challenging and rewarding career in the construction industry. We understand this isn’t going to change overnight, but everything we do pushes us closer to our goal.

We’re delighted to be shortlisted by the Inspiring Women in Construction News and Engineering awards for ‘Excellence in Outreach’, a team nomination driven by the women in construction committee, Lisa Taylor and Alison Newell, and in Technical Excellence by our inspiring leader Sophia Flucker. We’re looking forward to attending the awards ceremony in October.

Sophia Flucker participated in a panel discussing the challenges, highlights and advice for those considering a career in engineering  and how more women can be inspired to consider engineering careers. You can see the links to the panel discussion below:

Advice for women in their engineering journey?”

The challenges you’ve faced.

What does it take to inspire more women?

A complete panel conversation”

Also, check out our Equality video where some of our team share how we’re trying to make changes to the industry.