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Construction News – Inspiring Women In Construction & Engineering Awards

On the 10th of October MiCiM will be attending the Inspiring Women Awards hosted by Construction News for the first time as nominees in two categories: our Technical Director, Sophia Flucker is nominated for Technical Excellence, and MiCiM as a company is nominated for Excellence in Outreach.

Check out the categories and other nominees here!

The event is focused on demonstrating the impact women have on the construction industry and looks to address the gender diversity the sector has available.

We’re excited to be shortlisted for the awards and very much look forward to celebrating whether we win or not, just to be in a room full of businesses that are trying to improve the face of construction by encouraging more women and gender diversity has to be positive and forward thinking to support those who are trying to make a difference.

Women in Construction

OI will be attending the Women in Construction Networking Event, sponsored by MiCiM for the 2nd year running, which will take place at the London Build Expo on the 16th of November at Olympia, London.