How the tool works and what is required
• Input average temperatures from cooling unit and IT equipment supply and return points to find out your performance. For more accurate results weighted average temperatures should be used.
• The tool quantifies the average performance, rather than highlighting any extreme temperatures.
• A representative sample of IT temperatures should be recorded at the inlet and outlet, i.e. not in the cold or hot aisles for servers, but at the intake and exhaust points.
• Measurements should be recorded for every cooling unit which is moving air.
•The tool should be used for distinct air volumes, i.e. for a whole data hall with continuous raised floor area, rather than parts of it. Further information on the metrics is available here.
If you would like further information on how OI can help to improve your air performance, please contact us on
Bypass - Cooled air that returns to CRAH units without cooling any IT equipment.Recirculation - Air that is drawn from the IT equipment exhaust back to the server inlet without returning first to the CRAH for cooling, resulting in elevated server-inlet temperatures.
Terms & conditions:
The results produced by this tool depend on the quality and completeness of the data input and represent the average condition from the sample recorded, assuming no negative pressure is present. The tool will not identify areas of extreme temperature but summarise the overall performance of the space. Users should consider other factors such as local hot spots and exercise caution when making changes within a critical environment. OI cannot be held liable for changes made by users interpreting the metrics results. The tool is designed to illustrate an indicative data hall air performance and should not be reproduced externally for commercial purposes without the permission of OI. For assistance using the tool, interpreting the results and implementing improvements please contact